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Energize your mind and body! Gut activation” you can start today!

It has become clear that immunity, which protects our bodies from foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses, is affected by various factors such as diet, sleep, exercise, and other lifestyle habits, as well as stress, etc. Recently, attention has been focused on the deep relationship between immunity and the intestinal environment. We encourage you to incorporate the “intestinal activities” introduced in this issue into your lifestyle to keep your intestines healthy.

Checking the health of your intestines

The intestinal environment is affected by daily lifestyle and diet. First, let’s check the state of your “intestines!

If you have smooth bowel movements, your intestinal environment is in good condition. Since the function of the intestines declines with age, try to maintain it.

If you have unstable conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, or a gas belly, your intestinal function is in a state of stagnation. Improve your diet and lifestyle.

Psychological and dietary stresses on the intestines cause a predominance of bad bacteria.
Deterioration of the intestinal environment may increase susceptibility to various diseases!


Benefits of a healthy intestinal environment

About 70% of immune cells reside in the intestines. Regulating the intestinal environment is the key to boosting the immune system.

It leads to beautiful skin!

When constipation is improved and good bacteria grow, blood flow improves,
Nutritional supply to skin cells and elimination of wastes will lead to beautiful skin.

Healthy mind!

More than 90% of serotonin, which is called the happy hormone, is produced in the intestines,
It is said that activation of intestinal bacteria has a positive effect on improving depression.

Start intestinal activity by eating fermented foods!

To improve the intestinal environment, it is important to maintain the balance of intestinal bacteria. By taking in lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria contained in fermented foods directly into the body, good bacteria are activated and the activity of bad bacteria is weakened. The lactobacilli contained in miso and natto are vegetable lactobacilli produced by fermenting soybeans and rice, and are resistant to stomach acid and heat. Another major attraction of fermented foods is that fermentation increases the antioxidant effect of foods.

Natto (fermented soybeans)

Natto is a fermented soybean paste that is known as “natto kinase! Natto kinase

Natto is packed with nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, lecithin, and soy isoflavone, all of which are necessary for maintaining good health. Natto kinase, an enzyme unique to natto produced by the bacillus natto, improves blood flow and is expected to prevent blood clots, lifestyle-related diseases, and osteoporosis.

Nukazuke (pickles)

Nutritional value is increased by lactic acid bacteria! Antioxidant effect!

Nukazuke is a fermented vegetable dish in which the nutrients are further concentrated and the amount of vitamin B1, which increases energy metabolism, is increased by about 10 times. Lactic acid bacteria soften vegetables and increase their absorption rate. Eating carrots, radishes, and other vegetables with condensed nutrients raw with their skin enhances the effects of heat-sensitive vitamin C and antioxidants.

Rice malt amazake

Supports beauty and recovery from fatigue! Drinking infusion!

This traditional Japanese beverage is made from rice using the fermentation action of koji. The power of fermentation makes it highly nutritious and easily absorbed by the body. It is also referred to as a “drinkable infusion.” The koji bacteria work to produce vitamins not found in rice, and because it also contains glucose and essential amino acids, it was drunk in the Edo period (1603-1867) during the summer months when people’s physical strength was easily depleted.


Reduced risk of breast cancer!

Miso contains high levels of amino acids and peptides, and when soybeans are ingested in the form of miso, proteins are more easily digested. It is also an attractive source of dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, and isoflavones that soybeans contain in their entirety.

A 10-year follow-up study of 20,000 women aged 40-59 found a relationship between the frequency of miso soup consumption and the incidence of breast cancer. In other words, there is a 40% reduction. The more miso soup people drink, the less likely they are to develop breast cancer.

※ Excessive consumption of miso, soy sauce, and nukazuke (pickles) leads to excessive salt intake, so be sure to consume in moderation.


Beta-glucan maintains good health.

β-glucan maintains existing health through the body’s own immune system.
Aureo’s black yeast beta-glucan is made from naturally occurring Aureobasidium (black yeast) bacteria using a proprietary fermentation technique, and is characterized by its gel-like texture and high quality beta-glucan content (also a soluble dietary fiber).

Let the bowel movement begin!

The four corners of the intestine are the places where stool tends to accumulate. Grasp them firmly and stimulate them from the outside. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp your left hand just below your ribs and your right hand just above your ilium (hip bone).

While holding on, turn your pelvis slowly and widely!

Rotate both left and right 8 times, taking 5-6 seconds per round. Tighten your hips lightly so that your body’s axis does not become unbalanced. Switch the position of your gripping hands and do the same for the left and right sides.

Energize your mind and body! Gut activation” you can start today!